Can I make a profit by investing 8 RS in the share market

Can I make a profit by investing 100 RS in the share market?

If you’re looking to invest 100 RS in the share market, then we’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is that if you have even that amount of money to invest, then you can definitely make money by investing it into shares. The bad news is that this does not seem like enough money to actually do much with since share prices vary so much from day to day, let alone enough to earn any kind of significant profit on your investment.

What is investment?

Investing is an important part of your financial planning. Making smart investment decisions, such as buying stocks and bonds and participating in retirement plans and certificates of deposit, can help you grow your money for long-term goals like paying for college or buying a home. Investments fall into two categories: riskier assets, such as stocks and bonds; and safer assets, such as savings accounts.

While there are no guarantees when it comes to investments, riskier assets have historically grown faster than safer ones—but they also carry more risk. If you’re looking to invest 100 Rupees today but not sure where to start, contact a professional financial adviser who can walk you through your options.

How stock exchange works

The stock exchange is an auction house for equity shares. The way it works is that every day, buyers and sellers come together to trade shares. When you want to buy or sell shares, you need to find someone who has them at your price. If you can’t find anyone, you can always buy from or sell to the market—basically a bunch of anonymous traders who will buy and sell at whatever price is available.

The stock exchange offers an efficient way to do so. It’s an auction, which means that buyers and sellers can get exactly what they want instead of having to settle for what’s available.

It also provides transparency, meaning that everyone has access to all of your information—the price you want to buy or sell at, who you are and how much money you have available. That helps them decide whether they want to buy from or sell to you. Lastly, it allows buyers and sellers who aren’t connected personally (and don’t know each other) to safely trade with each other for their mutual benefit.

Why you need to invest in shares

The stock market may not be as exciting or high-profile as it was during its peak in 2007, but it can still provide you with an excellent way to grow your money. In fact, shares have historically returned 7% per year on average.

Shares can be incredibly lucrative if you are willing to commit some time and energy to learning about them. It’s not as simple as throwing some money at a company and hoping for a windfall, however.

Other instruments like bonds, mutual funds

Investing all your money in shares can be risky, and you may not have to be so bold. There are plenty of options, such as bonds or mutual funds, that offer better returns with lower risks. Shares also tend to move up and down much more than other investment instruments; so if you only have a small amount of money to put into shares, it could get wiped out before long if there’s a big dip in value.

The share market is great for those who can stomach large fluctuations; but for most people starting out with limited capital, it’s usually better to diversify and save rather than speculate.

How investing works

A key to figuring out whether you can actually invest with 8 rupees is understanding how share markets work. Every company that’s listed on a stock exchange (which is most publicly-traded companies) has shares that get bought and sold all day long. The share price will fluctuate based on investors’ confidence level.

If you’re lucky, a company might pay its shareholders extra money to buy back their shares, which also increases its value. All of those factors affect how much your share is worth, which may or may not be worth more than 8 rupees today. You can learn more about how it works here .

Stock Market vs Forex trading

The forex market is worth about $5 trillion, which is roughly one-third of all foreign exchange transactions worldwide. That’s pretty big for an investment vehicle that most people consider risky. But it’s still dwarfed by stock markets: The U.S. equity markets are valued at more than $30 trillion and trade nearly $100 billion in shares each day.

So, is forex trading worth it? To answer that question, let’s look at some potential reasons to consider forex over stock markets. First, unlike equities where you’re limited to stocks listed on exchanges and can only buy what’s available, with forex you have full control of your investment.

You aren’t limited to trading on any one exchange—you can decide which companies you want to deal with and when. With share markets, you might be restricted by geography or availability of products or both; but not so with forex. In other words, if you believe in a company or product (such as Amazon), there’s no reason why you shouldn’t invest in it.

3 ways to invest into the stock market

There are three basic ways to invest into a stock market: you can buy shares of individual companies; you can buy exchange-traded funds, which allow you to invest into different industry sectors at once; or you can set up an online trading account and buy individual shares.

Each approach has its benefits and drawbacks. It depends on your personal investment goals and strategy. Let’s take a look at each one.

If you want to build long-term wealth and are prepared to take on more risk, buying individual stocks can be an excellent choice. It gives you control over how your money is invested and how much risk you take on.


Investing is an essential part of every person’s financial strategy. However, you can’t just start throwing money at any random opportunity you come across. Before you invest your hard-earned cash, it’s important to be informed about your investment options and how they work. That way, you can find opportunities that are both profitable and safe for you to pursue. Remember that past performance does not guarantee future results!


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